Source Code Statistics

Maybe you're interested in what's under the hood. Well, I was trying to admire my work and noticed versions and versions ago that it was just about impossible to get a handle on how much coding I'd done on another program of mine (Element Manager). In fact, it turned out it was actually and literally quicker to write a program to gather this info. It's available at my "personal" web site . Follow the links to software and look for SourceCounter. So, for those of you who are curious, here's the break down on Balloon Track's Source Code as of Version 1.8.8

Src (source) Lines and Cmt (comment) lines are written by me. Visual basic writes all the code to display objects on the screens and that's covered under VBGen Lines. Subs/Func lists the count of Sub Procedures and Functions. Variables are sometimes Local, sometimes Global in scope. That breakout is found at the bottom of the printout. The TOTAL column is the total of SRC, CMT and VBGen lines. It doesn't count variables and Sub/Funcs.

Forms are the displayed screens, Bas Modules are files that contain only code, no display interface stuff.

SourceCounter                                      Version 1.0.2
Project: Balloon Track
Version: 1.8.8
Src    Cmt   VBGen  Subs  Vari-
FileName                  Lines  Lines Lines  Func  ables  Total
AscentRateMods.frm        0      0     392    0     0     392
frmAbout.frm              14     0     181    4     1     195
frmAltTrack.frm           463    8     872    23    22    1343
frmAPRSsetup.frm          106    3     209    13    2     318
frmAscent.frm             396    28    312    9     44    736
frmBlender.frm            173    23    89     7     33    285
frmBrowser.frm            269    5     75     16    12    349
frmCalc.frm               83     3     336    8     1     422
frmCallsCounted.frm       162    12    226    22    6     400
frmChangeURL.frm          29     0     81     3     1     110
frmCharting.frm           563    2     159    23    38    724
frmComm.frm               4574   244   722    89    369   5540
frmCommAlarms.frm         673    60    757    50    41    1490
frmComparometer.frm       231    9     620    10    50    860
frmConvert.frm            177    1     184    3     6     362
frmCustomChute.frm        166    10    127    8     30    303
frmCustomChuteEdit.frm    170    10    127    9     28    307
frmDashboard.frm          67     4     871    9     1     942
frmDescent.frm            263    17    293    24    37    573
frmDirPicker.frm          98     0     53     4     1     151
frmExplorer.frm           102    0     121    12    7     223
frmExtract.frm            1845   100   316    38    216   2261
frmFlightData.frm         428    12    1596   14    69    2036
frmForced.frm             648    14    543    23    39    1205
frmFTP.frm                41     0     89     2     6     130
frmGPSExport.frm          98     3     175    13    2     276
frmGridTranslator.frm     46     0     216    4     2     262
frmHelp.frm               8      0     74     3     1     82
frmMain.frm               4588   245   734    86    288   5567
frmMapBlast.frm           269    16    59     10    49    344
frmMapPrediction.frm      306    16    64     15    35    386
frmMapTracking.frm        606    16    98     31    72    720
frmOziExport.frm          43     1     239    8     0     283
frmPickFDWinds.frm        10     0     70     3     0     80
frmPlot.frm               166    4     260    16    19    430
frmReverse.frm            53     10    135    4     6     198
frmRTD.frm                1421   37    982    46    99    2440
frmSAsetup.frm            232    0     292    25    2     524
frmScannedMap.frm         668    42    133    26    108   843
frmSelectMapsRuc.frm      28     0     65     4     2     93
frmSetup.frm              948    44    2066   103   11    3058
frmSimControl.frm         24     0     71     5     1     95
frmSiteAdd.frm            110    0     150    5     4     260
frmSitesSelect.frm        526    10    185    21    31    721
frmSkewT.frm              18     2     30     3     3     50
frmSVs.frm                53     0     469    6     0     522
frmSynopsis.frm           131    0     1236   6     1     1367
frmTelemetry.frm          370    13    635    14    52    1018
frmViewFiles.frm          120    12    110    11    14    242
frmWinds.frm              170    2     437    6     15    609
Totals                    22753  1038  18336  1862  4751  42127
Bas Modules
FileIO.bas                2319   43           20    144   2362
FuncFiles.bas             202    0            4     47    202
Functions.bas             83     39           8     103   122
LatLong.bas               53     9            2     18    62
Parse_APRS.bas            1      0            0     0     1
RealTimePredict.bas       162    35           6     36    197
sort.bas                  26     8            2     8     34
sounds.bas                41     13           10    33    54
Vfloat.bas                562    134          16    608   696
Totals                    3449   281          68    997   3730
Grand Totals              26202  1319  18336  965   2874  45857
Global Variables: 760
Local Variables: 2114
Subs and Functions: 965