Searching the city database file for: GJT ... Date:0000Z 12 MAR 00 Station: GJT WMO ident: 72476 Latitude: 39.12 Longitude: -108.53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEV PRES HGHT TEMP DEWP RH DD WETB DIR SPD THETA THE-V THE-W THE-E W mb m C C % C C deg knt K K K K g/kg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 1000 195 1 925 845 SFC 857 1475 10.0 -5.0 34 15.0 3.4 320 6 295.9 296.5 283.5 305.1 3.07 3 850 1542 8.2 -8.8 29 17.0 1.4 315 6 294.7 295.2 282.1 301.7 2.31 4 764 2409 0.0 -10.0 47 10.0 -3.7 234 10 295.0 295.4 282.2 302.1 2.34 5 725 2827 -1.9 -9.9 54 8.0 -4.9 244 15 297.4 297.8 283.4 305.0 2.48 6 700 3105 -4.1 -10.1 63 6.0 -6.3 260 18 297.9 298.4 283.7 305.7 2.53 7 646 3733 -9.3 -12.3 79 3.0 -10.3 275 24 299.0 299.4 283.8 306.1 2.30 8 569 4704 -16.3 -18.8 81 2.5 -17.0 285 28 301.8 302.1 284.0 306.6 1.52 9 555 4892 -16.3 -25.3 46 9.0 -18.2 290 29 304.0 304.1 284.1 306.9 0.88 10 535 5168 -18.1 -28.1 41 10.0 -20.0 295 32 305.0 305.1 284.3 307.4 0.71 11 510 5524 -21.3 -25.4 69 4.1 -22.1 288 37 305.3 305.5 284.7 308.5 0.95 12 500 5670 -21.5 -25.0 73 3.5 -22.2 285 39 306.8 307.0 285.4 310.1 1.00 13 463 6232 -25.7 -27.6 84 1.9 -26.1 285 47 308.4 308.6 285.8 311.3 0.86 14 400 7280 -31.7 -34.5 76 2.8 -32.0 285 65 313.8 313.9 287.3 315.6 0.51 15 300 9240 -46.9 -51.8 57 4.9 -47.1 285 86 319.3 319.3 288.6 319.7 0.11 16 283 9623 -50.1 -55.4 54 5.3 -50.3 290 87 320.0 320.0 288.8 320.3 0.07 17 250 10420 -56.9 -62.9 47 6.0 -57.0 290 84 321.5 321.5 289.2 321.6 0.03 18 207 11597 -64.5 -69.5 50 5.0 -64.6 285 82 327.4 327.4 291.0 327.4 0.02 19 200 11810 -60.3 -66.3 45 6.0 -60.4 285 80 337.3 337.3 293.7 337.4 0.03 20 179 12512 -54.5 -68.5 16 14.0 -54.8 283 73 357.6 357.6 298.2 357.7 0.02 21 150 13640 -56.3 -80.3 3 24.0 -56.6 279 61 373.1 373.1 301.1 373.1 0.00 22 142 13987 -56.9 -81.9 3 25.0 -57.2 278 57 377.9 377.9 301.9 377.9 0.00 23 128 14641 -58.7 -83.7 3 25.0 -59.0 275 50 386.1 386.1 303.2 386.1 0.00 24 117 15209 -55.5 -80.5 3 25.0 -55.9 273 44 402.0 402.0 305.5 402.1 0.01 25 100 16200 -59.1 -83.1 3 24.0 -59.5 270 34 413.5 413.5 306.9 413.6 0.00 26 94 16586 -60.7 -84.7 3 24.0 -61.0 277 33 417.8 417.8 307.4 417.8 0.00 27 83 17358 -62.1 -86.1 3 24.0 -62.4 278 24 430.1 430.1 308.9 430.1 0.00 28 72 18244 -58.9 -82.9 3 24.0 -59.3 256 13 454.7 454.7 311.3 454.7 0.01 29 70 18420 -60.7 -84.7 3 24.0 -61.1 255 11 454.5 454.5 311.3 454.5 0.00 30 54 20031 -62.1 -86.1 3 24.0 -62.5 294 11 486.3 486.3 314.0 486.3 0.00 31 50 20510 -59.9 -83.9 3 24.0 -60.4 320 9 502.3 502.3 315.1 502.4 0.01 32 42 21599 -59.3 -83.3 3 24.0 -60.0 348 8 529.5 529.5 316.9 529.5 0.01 33 32 23290 -62.1 -86.1 3 24.0 -62.8 6 2 564.8 564.8 318.9 564.9 0.01 34 30 23690 -60.3 -84.3 3 24.0 -61.2 10 1 580.3 580.3 319.7 580.3 0.01 35 20 26230 -57.1 -82.1 3 25.0 -58.9 65 5 661.4 661.4 323.1 661.6 0.02 36 15 28062 -53.1 -79.1 3 26.0 -56.3 234 8 731.4 731.4 325.4 731.9 0.05 37 10 30680 -51.5 -78.5 3 27.0 -56.3 280 27 827.3 827.4 327.9 828.1 0.08 38 8.7 31587 -49.9 -76.9 3 27.0 -55.8 867.1 867.2 328.8 868.5 0.13 TRP 207 11597 -64.5 -69.5 50 5.0 -64.6 285 82 327.4 327.4 291.0 327.4 0.02 WND 283 9623 -50.1 -55.4 54 5.3 -50.3 290 87 320.0 320.0 288.8 320.3 0.07 Sounding variables and indices 1000-500 mb thick: 5475.00 m Freezing level: 764.00 mb = 2409.01 m = 7903.46 ft Wetbulb zero: 826.93 mb = 1765.65 m = 5792.73 ft Precipitable water: 0.33 inches Sfc-500 mean rel hum: 59.52 % Est. max temperature: 11.78 C = 53.20 F Sfc-Lift cond lev (LCL): 681.06 mb = 3319.65 m = 10891.11 ft T: -5.88 C 700-500 lapse rate: 6.78 C/km ThetaE index: 3.43 C Layer 850.0- 764.0 mb Conv cond level (CCL): 605.70 mb = 4225.96 m = 13864.52 ft Mean mixing ratio: 2.35 g/kg Conv temperature: 14.31 C = 57.75 F Cap Strength: 5.38 C Lifted Index: 6.08 C Risk: None Lifted Index @300 mb: 12.32 C Lifted Index @700 mb: 2.72 C Showalter Index: 6.25 C Risk: None Total Totals Index: 42.40 C Risk: None Vertical Totals Index: 29.70 C Cross Totals Index: 12.70 C K Index: 14.90 Risk: None Sweat Index: 51.00 Risk: None Energy Index: 1.72 Risk: None Parcel Indices Parcel: using 100 mb layer CAPE (B+): 1.68 J/kg Max Up Vert Vel: 1.83 m/s Conv Inhibition (B-): 55162.84 J/kg Cap Strength: 5.61 C Lift Cond Lev (LCL): 654.35 mb = 3632.79 m = 11918.47 ft Lev Free Conv (LFC): none Wind Parameters Mean winds (0-6000m): 281.8 at 31.2 knts Storm direction: 311.8 at 23.4 knts Shear (0-3000m) pos: 3.8 neg: 2.2 tot: 5.9 10-3/s Storm rel Dir Shear (0-3000m): 93.6 deg Storm rel helicity (0-3000m) pos: 154.1 neg: 0.0 tot: 154.1 m^2/s^2 ave: 51.4 10^-3 m/s^2 rel: 0.83 Storm rel vorticity (0-3000m) horiz: 6.3 stream: 5.2 10^-3/s Energy-Hel index: 0.00 Bulk Rich Number: 0.02 Bulk Shear: 90.09 m/s University of Wyoming, Department of Atmospheric Science