EOSS Flight Archives

EOSS-268 STEM & COSGC Flight - Recap

EOSS-268 with seven Colorado Space Grant Consortium payloads weighting 13.9 pounds, two GPS-equipped radio beacons, a fast release mechanism under test, and a 9 ft. Rocketman parachute were launched on a 3000 gram balloon from the Deer Trail, CO launch site (N39° 36.72', W104° 2.52') at an elevation of 5,538 feet at 7:16 AM MDT on Mar. 17, 2018.  The last packet received before balloon burst was at 8:59 AM at an altitude of 100,211 ft. after an ascent averaging 919 ft./min.  The maximum recorded speed was 77 mph at 9:09 AM at an altitude of 43,564 ft.

EOSS-267 Fun Flight - Recap

Thanks to everyone that supported the EOSS-267 flight yesterday. It was a resounding success in several ways.  We shook the cobwebs off of our knowhow and  tracking stations, we successfully qualified several new payloads, and we had some new members join us in the chase!  We had several University of Colorado CBASE students join us for the launch and recovery to help hone their skills for assisting in planning, launch, and recovery later this year.

EOSS-265 & 266 CU Gateway & COSGC Recap

EOSS-265 with ten CU Gateway to Space Class payloads weighing 18.39 pounds, two GPS-equipped beacons, an Iridium tracker and a ten-foot parachute were launched on a 3000g balloon from the Windsor, CO launch site (N40° 30.29', W103° 48.58') at an elevation of 4969 feet at 

EOSS-264 Metro State University Intro to Space, Recap

EOSS-264 was flown sucessfully as a single 3000g balloon under FAA 14 CFR Part 101 rules.The balloon launched at 7:34am and reached an altitude of 107,162 feet. It landed at 40.56792, -102.73136, a distance of 127 miles near Haxtun, Colorado.The mileage link for EOSS members is https://goo.gl/forms/7WzkhIvvhhNIucmB3Drone video of the recovery is posted on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85AUGQyZH14jim was here

EOSS-262, 263 Summit Middle School and NSSTI Recap

EOSS-262 with the NSSTI payloads was launched on a 1500g balloon from the Deer Trail, CO high school football field (N 39 ° 36.81', W103° 28.28') at an elevation of 5224 feet.

EOSS-260, 261 Eclipse Flight Recap

EOSS-260 was launched the Camp Guersey North Training area (N 42 ° 22.629', W104° 44.834') at an elevation of 5014 ft. at 10:33 AM MDT. The balloon burst at 12:14:45 MDT at an altitude of 96,459 ft. after an ascent averaging 901 ft./min. The parachute and flight string touched down at N 42° 24.683', W 103° 54.316' at 12:50 PM at an elevation of 4699 ft. after a flight of 2 hours 17 minutes. Horizontal touchdown speed was 21 mph. The straight line distance between launch and touchdown was 43.0 miles along the ground. After touchdown the wind pushed parachute and flight string about 59 ft.

EOSS-261 was launched the Camp Guersey North Training area (N 42 ° 22.575', W104° 44.835') at an elevation of 5178 ft. at 10:50 AM MDT. The balloon burst at 12:59:30 MDT at an altitude of 95,688 ft. after an ascent averaging 702 ft./min. The parachute and flight string touched down at N 42° 28.775', W 103° 33.448' at 13:39 PM at an elevation of 4823 ft. after a flight of 2 hours 49 minutes. The touchdown horizontal speed was 18 mph. The straight line distance between launch and touchdown was 61.2 miles along the ground. After touchdown the wind pushed the parachute and flight string another 597 feet along the ground. The parachute and flight string were recovered at N 42° 28.686', W 103° 33.504' at an elevation of 4525 ft.

EOSS-257, 258, & 259 CU Science Discovery & Metro State Univ - Recap

CU Science Discovery video, "Young engineers aim for the stratosphere at Science Discovery Camp" is posted!

Here is a link to a CU Science Discovery page with experiment data, drone footage, and launch videos!

All three flights were very successful.

EOSS-253, 254,255,256 COSGC DemoSat and BIRST Flights - Recap

EOSS-253, 254, 255, and 256 were launched in rapid succession starting at 0700 from the Limon Softball fields launch site on July 15, 2017. All were 1500g exempt balloons.
EOSS-253 reached an altitude of 98,885 ft
EOSS-254 reached an altitude of 100,795 ft
EOSS-255 reached an altitude of 97,847 ft
EOSS-256 reached an altitude of 96,219 ft
All payloads were recovered north of Matheson, CO. Recap galleries have been created below. Check back for updates to Charts, data and photos as they are loaded.

EOSS-252 Great Plains Super Launch - Recap

EOSS-252 was launched from the Hutchinson Kansas Airport as part of GPSL, and recovered southeast of Newton, Kansas.  It achieved an altitude of 98,990 ft.

Altitude vs. Time plots from aprs.fi have been added.  Please add any pictures to the galleries below.  

EOSS-250 and 251 Eclipse Practice Flight, COSCG - Recap

Updated 5/20/17: Posted additional pictures to Prep and launch gallery.

EOSS-250 and 251 were launched from Guernsey, Wyoming and recovered northeast of Lusk, Wyoming.  EOSS would like to thank WA7SNU, AE7AF, KD7JNQ and all the local Wyoming hams for help in setting up communications to support this flight. 
