Two 1500g exempt balloons were launched on Saturday February 1, 2025 from Deer Trail, Colorado. This flight was a twice-delayed (weather) launch of student-built payloads from Colordado Space Grant Consortium supported schools throughout Colorado. The balloons flew as follows (prelim data from KC0RPS' log):
EOSS member mileage reimbursement submission here.
The Rescheduled Flight is on for February 1, 2025
from Deer Trail Colorado.
This is one 3000g balloon or two 1500g balloons carrying Colorado Space Grant Consortium school student payloads.
The balloons will be launched from the Deer Trail School located in Deer Trail Colorado (map). The school will be available for use of the restrooms only, Warm-up will be in your cars. Dress warm.
If the cloud cover exceeds 5/10ths, the two Heavy balloons will be split into three Lite balloons as follows:
Click here to sign up to participate on the flight.
3000g balloon for Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Frequency | Callsign | Type | Notes |
145.710 MHz | KC0L-11 | APRS/DF | TOP, Secondary Beacon, to Honor KC0L(SK) |
144.340 MHz | AE0SS-4 | Voyager APRS/Digi VOYA | BOTTOM, Primary Beacon, TS 0:13 & 0:43 |
The preflight net is hosted on the Fun Machine linked system
EchoLink *CANONCTY* conference and on the TGIF DMR Network Node: 1997 Talkgroup 815
Denver area Frequencies:
Back up Pre Flight Net Frequincies
Linked with SkyHub Link Repeaters:
Digital Mobile Radio (DMR):
- Rocky Mountain Wide Network – Talk Group 700 - Rocky Mountain Ham Radio has approval to the use "Wide" for flight operations.
Tactical | Call Sign | Name | Notes |
Alpha | W9CN, N0JPS | Mike, John | Flt String Prep and Launch, Fill Team, Track and Recovery |
Bravo | NØRPF, KØBRA | Rob, Doug? | Sat, Flt String Prep and Launch, Fill Team, Track and Recovery |
Delta | KØSCC | Stephen | Flt String Prep and Launch, Track and Recovery |
Echo | KCØRPS, WØNFW | Jim, George | |
Ground Station | KEØUWC, N2XGL | Glenn, Jeff | |
Foxtrot | KBØYRZ | Chris | Late Addition to List |
Hotel | WAØGEH, KFØNLQ | Marty, Anne | Tracker Only |
India | KEØUWC | Glen Reker | Fill Team Only |
XRAY | KØNKK * | Nancy | * Scratch |
Juliet | KF0RXH | Ruth | COSGC DemoSat Assistant |