EOSS-330 Metro State University - Intro to Space - Recap

EOSS-330 was launched as a single heavy balloon with Metro State University student payload experiments from Deer Trail Colorado on 10/29/2022 at 7:48 am.  It burst at a maximum altitude  of 101, 899 feet.  All EOSS and Metro State University payloads were recovered northwest of Lindon, Colorado at an elevation of 4,739  and Lattitude, Longitude of 39.804771,-103.449939.  

EOSS members may apply for mileage reimbursement the link below.

EOSS Member Mileage Reimbursement Link

Original Announcement: 

One 3000g balloon (or two 1500g balloons) carrying student-built payloads.  The preflight prediction can be found here. If cloud cover precludes flying a heavy balloon, we will fly two exempt balloons.

Event Date: 
Saturday, October 29, 2022 - 00:00 to 23:45
Flight Coordinator: 
Launch Site: 
Last Chance 40, 60


A single heavy balloon for with Metro State payloads.

Balloon Type: 
3000g Kaymont
12 ft Rocketman
145.645 MHzKC0D-1APRS/DF/Release
144.34 MHzAE0SS-12Bottom APRS BeaconSlotted 27/57 Digi EOSS A

EOSS Preflight Net @ 7 PM Mountain Time preceding night:
        •  449.225 MHz (-5 MHz Offset, 141.3 Hz CTCSS) Rocky Mountain Ham Radio (RMHAM) Repeater and EchoLink *CANONCTY* conference and the Fun Machine linked system
        • 146.940 MHz (-600 KHz Offset, 103.5 Hz CTCSS) Rocky Mountain Radio League (RMRL) Repeater if the RMHAM machine is down
        • 146.640 MHz (-600 KHz Offset, 100.0 Hz CTCSS) Denver Radio League (DRL) Repeater will serve as a backup to the backup repeater 

Launch Site:
        • 446.050 MHz Simplex  
        (Note that some radios assume these are repeater frequencies and attempt to put a 5 MHz offset in the transmit frequency automatically)

Track & Recovery Operations:
        • 449.450 MHz (-5 MHz Offset, 103.5 Hz Tone) RMRL repeater

       SkyhubLink - the SkyhubLink system has linked a 2m repeater in Stratton, CO and a 70cm repeater in Akron to the 449.450 machine for our use during balloon flights.

  • Stratton - 146.895(-) MHz, 103.5 Hz (be careful that 2m operations does not affect your reception of balloon packets)
  • Akron - 447.425(-) MHz, 103.5 Hz


We will use the RMHAM DMR system on the Rocky Mountain Wide talkgroup

New RMHAM Linked DMR Repeater:

RMHAM has installed a new Linked DMR Repeater at Cedar Point, CO

  • Repeater input frequency: 440.275 MHz
  • Repeater output frequency: 445.275 MHz
  • Color Code 7
  • Time Slot 1: TG 700 (Rocky Mountain Wide)
  • Time Slot 2: TG 720 (Central Regional)

  Simplex Frequencies:
        • 446.100 MHz Balloon #1 Field Simplex 
        • 446.150 MHz Balloon #2 Field Simplex
        • 446.200 MHz Balloon #3 Field Simplex
        • 446.275 MHz Car to Car drive out Simplex
        (Note that some radios assume these are repeater frequencies and attempt to put a 5 MHz offset in the transmit frequency automatically)

  2M Direction Finding Frequencies:

  • 144.340
  • 144.905
  • 145.645


Tactical Calls: 
TacticalCall SignNameNotes
AlphaWA0GEH, KC0DMarty, Mark
CharlieKE7KCK, K0NKKTom, Nancy
EchoKB0YRZ, BenChris, KB0UBZ
Ground StationN2XGL, K5JKJeff, Tom, Russ, Randy
KiloKD0NT, N0NDMJim Dallin, Larry
LimaKC0RPS, W0NFWJim (FC), George
TangoKC0L John (remote)
TR Breakfast: 
6:30, I-hop, Limon