EOSS-317 Metro State University - Intro to Space - Recap

EOSS-317 at 98,218 feet. Photographs before and at burst by Tiffany Jewell

EOSS-317 was lauched as a 3000g balloon from Windsor, Colorado at 0730 MDT on October 30, 2021, carrying eight payloads from Metro State University's Intro to Space program. The balloon reached an altitude of 98,304 Ft and landed at 9:37 MDT North of Masters, Colorado.

 Mileage Link for Club Members


Original Announcement: 
  • 10-24-2021 Launch site tentatively changed to Wiggins (awaiting confirmation)
  • 10-24-2021 Payload Plans Rev B posted
  • 10-25-2021 Launch site has been moved back to Windsor. See link below for directions
  • 10-29-2021 Payload Plans Rev C posted

Payloads developed by student teams from Metro State University's Introduction to Space classes

One 3000g balloon or two 1500g balloons.  Flight predictions can be found here.  Live flight tracking the day of the flight is here.

If cloudcover exceeds 5/10ths, the balloon will be split into two exempt 1500g balloons:

Event Date: 
Saturday, October 30, 2021 - 00:00 to 23:45
Flight Coordinator: 
Launch Site: 
Grid, Prediction & Weather Update Grid location is Windsor  X 10 Y 30 Grid Test: N 41.000 • W 104.000 X 60.1 Y 66.4 Predict: 7 mi N of Masters (NS CR-93 EW CR-56) (X 48.8 Y 25.5) Weather forecast for Win

EOSS-317 Heavy

Carrying 9 MSU Intro2Space BalloonSats

Balloon Type: 
Totex 3000g Latex
12-foot Rocketman
144.905 MHzKC0D-14Remote Release / DFSecondary
144.340 MHzAE0SS-12APRS / Digi EOSSAPrimary, Timeslotted on 0:27 and 0:57
145.535 MHzKC0D-3Remote Releasefor qualification with tethered release Charlie
Payload Plan: 

EOSS Preflight Net @ 7 PM Mountain Time preceding night:
        •  449.225 MHz (-5 MHz Offset, 141.3 Hz CTCSS) Rocky Mountain Ham Radio (RMHAM) Repeater and EchoLink *CANONCTY* conference and the Fun Machine linked system
        • 146.940 MHz (-600 KHz Offset, 103.5 Hz CTCSS) Rocky Mountain Radio League (RMRL) Repeater if the RMHAM machine is down
        • 146.640 MHz (-600 KHz Offset, 100.0 Hz CTCSS) Denver Radio League (DRL) Repeater will serve as a backup to the backup repeater 

Launch Site:
        • 446.050 MHz Simplex  
        (Note that some radios assume these are repeater frequencies and attempt to put a 5 MHz offset in the transmit frequency automatically)

Track & Recovery Operations:
        • 449.450 MHz (-5 MHz Offset, 103.5 Hz Tone) RMRL repeater (Assuming we are flying out of Windsor).
        • 448.450 MHz (-5 MHz Offset, 100.0 Hz Tone) PPFMA repeater (Assuming we are flying out of Deer Trail).

        Simplex Frequencies:
        • 446.100 MHz Balloon #1 Field Simplex 
        • 446.150 MHz Balloon #2 Field Simplex
        • 446.200 MHz Balloon #3 Field Simplex
        • 446.275 MHz Car to Car drive out Simplex
        (Note that some radios assume these are repeater frequencies and attempt to put a 5 MHz offset in the transmit frequency automatically)

        Legacy 2M Simplex Frequency (not generally used due to desense/interference issues with the 2M APRS packets)
        • 146.550 MHz Simplex

2M Direction Finding Frequencies:

  • 144.340
  • 144.360
  • 144.905
  • 145.535
  • 145.645
  • 145.710
  • 145.765


Tactical Calls: 
TacticalCall SignNameNotes
AlphaWA0GEH, KC0DMarty, Mark
BravoW9CN, N0JPSMike, John
EchoK0BRA, N0RPFDoug, Rob
FoxtrotKE7KCKTomEOSS President
Ground StationK5JK, KE0YUE, NoCall, N0XCLTom, Tim, Randy, Jeff
KiloN0NDMLarryLaunch Master
RomeoKC0RPS, W0NFWJim (FC) George
TangoKC0L, K5PUPJohn, EileenRemote From Texas
TR Breakfast: 
Breakfast Location: Ranch Restaurant Breakfast Restaurant 714 Sixth St Greeley, CO 80631 United States +1 (970) 356-1411 Predict: 7 mi N of Masters (NS CR-93 EW CR-56) (X 48.8 Y 25.5) Weather forecast for Windsor at 0730 MDT (1330 UTC) Saturday: Clear skies, cloud cover 10%, visibility unlimited Temperature 38, Dew Point 27, wind NW at 5