EOSS-275 & 276 BIRST - Recap

EOSS-275 and 276 were launched from the Limon Softball fields launch site  on July 21st, 2018 carrying payloads for the Ball Intern Remote Sensing Team. 

EOSS-275 reached an altitude of 94,841 ft and the payloads were recovered at 39.262, -103.583

EOSS-276 reached an altitude of 96,714 ft and the payloads were recovered at 39.256, -103.608

The payloads were recovered approximately 3 miles southeast of Genoa, Colorado.

 EOSS Members Mileage Reimbursement Link

Original Announcement: 

Update 7/20/18  1800:  Rev B for 275H and 275L, Rev C for 276L uploaded.  Only changes were to the weight charts to upload new lift factors.Update 7/20/18 0930.  Since the launch site will be Limon, T&R repeater will be the PPFMA 448.450 machine.  Also testing use of the Rocky Mountain Ham DMR system. See below for details.Update 7/18/18 2000.  Rev B posted for EOSS-276 Lite, updated AE0SS-13 timeslotting to :10 and :40 One 3000g balloon  or possibly 2 1500g carrying payloads from Ball Aerospace's BIRST internship program

Event Date: 
Saturday, July 21, 2018 - 00:00
Flight Coordinator: 
Launch Site: 
Punkin Center X=30, Y=10 Test N39.000 W 104.000 Ans: X=14.0, Y=20.2

EOSS-275 Heavy

This will be a single 3000g balloon for the BIRST Program

Balloon Type: 
3000g Kaymont
10 Ft. Spherachute with Fast Release
144.905 MHzKE0BMV-11APRS/DF/Cutter
145.535 MHzKC0D-1APRS/DF/ReleaseUnder qual
144.34KC0D-14APRS/DF/ Digi

EOSS-275 Lite

This will be the flight of one 1500g balloon

Balloon Type: 
1500g Kaymont
10 Ft. Spherachute with Fast Release
144.905 MHzKE0BMV-11APRS/DF/Cutter
145.535 MHzKC0D-1APRS/DF/Digi
144.34 MHzKC0D-14APRS/DF/ Digi

EOSS-276 Lite

This will be a flight of a 1500g exempt balloon

Balloon Type: 
1500g Kaymont
10 Ft. Rocketman
145.710KC0D-15APRS/DF/Wireless Release

EOSS Preflight Net @ 8 PM MDT preceding night:
        • 449.225 MHz (-5 MHz Offset, 141.3 Hz Tone )  RMHAM Repeater  
        • 146.940 MHz (-600 KHz Offset, 103.5 Hz Tone) RMRL Repeater if the RMHAM machine is down
        • 146.640 MHz (-600 KHz Offset, 100.0 Hz Tone) DRL Repeater will serve as a backup to the backup repeater 

Track & Recovery Operations:
                • 448.450 MHz (-5 MHz Offset, 100.0 Hz Tone) PPFMA repeater.

        Simplex Frequencies:
        • 446.100 MHz Balloon #1 Field Simplex 
        • 446.150 MHz Balloon #2 Field Simplex
        • 446.275 MHz Car to Car drive out Simplex
        (Note that some radios assume these are repeater frequencies and attempt to put a 5 MHz offset in the transmit frequency automatically)

Launch Site:
        • 446.050 MHz Simplex  
        (Note that some radios assume these are repeater frequencies and attempt to put a 5 MHz offset in the transmit frequency automatically)

2M Direction Finding Frequencies (all trackers should have these programmed in case they are needed):
        • 144.340
        • 144.360
        • 144.905
        • 145.535
        • 145.645
        • 145.710
        • 145.765

Tactical Calls: 
TacticalCall SignNameNotes
AlphaW9CN, KB0YRZ, N0JPSMike, Chris, JohnTracking Coordinator, Alpha Team
CharlieKC0RPS, N0NFWJim, GeorgeTrackers
DeltaK0SCC, KE0BMUStephen, WhitneyLaunch, Tracker
EchoKE7KCKTomFlight Coordinator, Tracker
FoxtrotKE0ORB, N0LPJohn, NickTracker, Needs Driver
GolfN6BA, NB4VJeff, Braedon (Bellamy)Tracker, SDR Experiments
HotelKE0NDWAnup plus teamTracker, C-Base Students
IndiaKD0SEM, KE0CQQDave, RyanBalloon Meister,Tracker
XrayWA0GEHMartyTracker Support from a hill
ZuluKC0DMarkTracker Support from Homes
TR Breakfast: 
Denny's in Limon. 6:00am, leave at 7:00am. We will be using the PPFMA 448.450 (PL 100) repeater for primary communications. Also please note we will be testing the RMHAM DMR system. Talk Group will be special version of TG720 which has been configured for EOSS to use for the duration of the flight. Programming information and details can be found at: https://www.rmham.org/wordpress/dmr-radio-site-information/