EOSS Training Session

The EOSS Training Session has been re-scheduled for October 17, from 8:00-12:00 at the Golden Coral, 3677 S. Santa Fe, Sheridan, CO 80110.  This date and venue has been changed to accommodate some of our important presenters.  This training session has two major objectives:

                1.            To train new and current members in some of the processes, procedures and technology used by EOSS members to successfully launch, track and recover balloon payloads.

                2.            To welcome and encourage new members who will help with upcoming missions.  Mentors will be assigned to new members.  Membership fees for 2015-2016 will be waived for new members signing up during this session.

 Here is the adjusted agenda (subject to better ideas, sequences and content):

 8:30-8:40:  Welcome, Kick-Off and Meeting Overview (Rob, KC0UUO, Marty, WA0GEH)

                     Breakfast:  8:00-8:30

                     Meeting Start: 8:30

                     Breakout Sessions Start: 11:30

                     Meeting End, QRT:  12:00

8:40-9:00:  Meet EOSS Flight Coordinators, Welcome New Members: Assign EOSS Mentors (Jim, KC0RPS, Tom, KE7KCK, Russ, KB0TVJ)

                     Introduce EOSS Members, New Members

                     New Member Orientation, Web Pages, Email Services (YAHOO), ARHAB Community

                     Encourage STEM Initiatives

                     Review, thank our important sponsors, encourage educational sponsors

                     About Flight Coordinators, Join Up!

                     Encourage New Members, Complete New Member Applications, Free for Attending


9:00-9:20:  Using GPS and APRS (Tom, KE7KCK, Nick, N0LP)

                     GPS Overview, Data Formats

                     GPS Format used by EOSS Payloads (Examples)

                     Demo:  Adding a Waypoint to Your GPS (Bring Your GPS)

                     Demo:  APRS Overview (Examples, Resources)

                     Compass Operation

                     Introduction to TrackPoint

                     Copying ARPS using TrackPoint (Bring your own notebook PC), using APRS-enabled radios

                     Loading APRS Location Data to Your GPS


9:20-9:40:  Payload Overviews (Doug, N0IX, Parker, KE0BMV, Stephen, K0SCC, Mark, KC0D)

                     EOSS Payloads, Upper, Bottom, Payload Demonstrations

                     Student Payloads

                     Designing, building and testing EOSS Payloads (Mark)

                     Handling Instructions, Power Down Process, Payload and Parachute Care During Recovery

                     Special Instructions for Each Flight to Ensure Experiment Success

                     Live Payload Demo (Bring Your Own Radios)


9:40-10:00:  Direction Finding Techniques:  (Chris, KB0YRZ, Marty, WA0GEH)

                     Required Equipment, Maps, Radios, Antennas, Attenuators

                     Map Grid Processes

                     Alpha Coordination



10:00-10:30:  Preflight Flight Line Preparations, Conducting Student Orientations and Briefings, (Stephen, K0SCC)

                     Flight Line Preparations, Hand-off to Launch Team

                     Launch Site Student Briefing Topics, examples

                     Recovery Site Student Briefing Topics, examples

                     Encourage New Flight Prep Members


10:30-10:45:  Launching the Balloon, Site Experiences, Videos (Larry, N0NDM, Nick, N0LP, Parker, KE0BMV)

                     Launch Procedures

                     Selected Launch Discussions and Student Videos

                     Encourage New Launch Team Members


10:45-11:00:  Ground Station Operations (Nick, N0LP, Russ, KB0TVJ, Randy Collander)

                     Ground Station Equipment, Capabilities

                     Tasks Before and During Flights

                     Critical Support Functions, Liaisons with FAA


11:00-11:30:  Tracking and Recovery Procedures (Marty, WA0GEH, Mike, W9CN, Dave, KD0SEM, Jim, KC0RPS)  (as an example, topics have been assigned to various presenters)

                     About Alpha and Bravo (Marty)

                     Tracker Team, two team members, (Marty)

                     Tracker Conduct and Public Protocols (Marty)

                     Preparing for a Tracker Mission, Preflight Net (Dave)

                     Tracker Go Kit Contents (Dave)

                     Vehicle Setup, Minimum Equipment (Post meeting breakout demos) (Mike)

                     Switching to Direction Finding, grids, centralized reporting, using compass, true bearings (Mike)

                     Conducting the Recovery, Alpha Functions, Student Participation, Payload Power-down,

Parachute Packing (Jim)

                     Landowner Protocols, Permissions, Restrictions (Jim)

                     Interfacing with Students (Jim)

                     Knowing Emergency Contacts, First Aid (Marty)

                     Encourage New Tracker Members (Marty)


11:30:  Start Breakout Sessions, Complete Membership Applications (Rob, KC0UUO, Marty, WA0GEH)

                     Breakout Session:  TrackPoint for Beginners, Setup, Install (Nick, N0LP)

                     Breakout Session:  Vehicle Demos (Members bring tracker vehicles prepared for tracking) (Mike W9CN, Glenn, WB0DKT, Tom, KE7KCK) with others, Demonstrate TrackPoint running in vehicles, activate payloads

                     Breakout Session:  Open Q&A, Meet New Members (Jim, KC0RPS, Rob, KC0UUO)

Event Date: 
Saturday, October 17, 2015 - 08:00 to Sunday, October 18, 2015 - 11:45
Golden Corral, 3677 Santa Fe, Sherican, CO 80110