2006 ARRL Rocky Mountain Division Convention Planning Begins

Planning for the 2006 ARRL Rocky Mountain Division Convention officially got underway in January with its first meeting in Castle Rock.  Under the leadership of General Chairman, Jerry VerDuft AD�A, another creative and energetic committee is assembled and raring to go!!

As those of you who attended know well, the bar was set extremely high with a superb 2003 convention.  To make the 2006 convention to be even better, we�ve really got our work cut out for us!  So, please take a look at the list of committee chairs in this article, and let us know your comments, suggestions and ideas.  We really want to hear from you!

The 2006 Convention will be held again at the Holiday Inn in beautiful Estes Park, Colorado on June 9-11, 2006.  The hotel was tremendously supportive of us in 2003, and has given us excellent rates for 2006.  Make plans now to join us for the entire convention!

We�ll keep you well updated over the coming months, but again, please let us know your thoughts as to how this convention can be the best ever!

For the committee, 73,

Steve Williams, K�SRW


2006 Rocky Mountain Division Convention Committee

General Chair/Facilities, Jerry VerDuft, AD�A, ad0a@arrl.net

Secretary/Treasurer/Banquet, Joanie VerDuft, KC�GMI, joanie1975@earthlink.net

DX/Contest Breakfast, Greg Dunn, W�ZA, w0za@arrl.net

Exhibits/Prizes, Steve Williams, K�SRW, k0srw@arrl.net

Forums/Technical Sessions, Steve Finch, AI�W, ai0w@direcway.com

Slide Show/Certificates, Rob Roller, N7LV, n7lv@arrl.net

Ladies Program/Tours, Judy Hilton, KC�HVD, kc0hvd@aol.com

Program Book/Publicity, Dick Schneider, AB�CD, schneiderdick@comcast.net

Registration, Tim & Eileen Armagost, WB�TUB & WD�DGL, tim@armagost.net & eileen@armagost.net

Security/Webmaster, Ben Baker, KB�UBZ, kb0ubz@arrl.net

Special Event Station/VEC, Wes Wilson, K�HBZ, k0hbz@arrl.net

Talk-in Station, Tom Levendusky Jr., N�MWY, n0mwy@arrl.net

Transmitter Hunt, Dan Meyer, N�PUF, n0puf@earthlink.net

Wouff Hong, Tim Armagost, WB�TUB, tim@armagost.net

Supporting Committee Member, Gerry Villhauer, W�GV, w0gv@arrl.net

Supporting Committee Member, Jeff Ryan, K�RM, k0rm@arrl.net

Supporting Committee Member, Bob Proctor, KC�OUQ, kc0ouq@arrl.net

Supporting Committee Member, Rick Kile, WB7THT, wb7tht@colomail.com