EOSS Flight Archives

EOSS-222/223/224 Metro State University and STEM flights - Recap

EOSS 222/223/224 were launched from the Limon launch site at approximately 0830 on May 21st.   EOSS-224 was found after 59 days hidden in a wheat field. See the galleries below for additional information.  

EOSS-222 landing site was at 39.65567 N, 103.03233 W

EOSS-219-220-221 Colorado Space Grant 3fer Recap

Go here to submit your request mileage reimbursement.  Only EOSS members may submit.   


Due to difficulties with the primary repeater, the pre-flight net was held on the 146.94  repeater.  See details on tone at the bottom of the page.

Update 4/8/16 1620 :  Payload plans updated with final manifest and weight.

Update 4/6/16:  Grid Locations, Breakfast Info, Tracker List

EOSS-218 CU Boulder & STEM School Flight

An Additional Link and Pictures Posted Today (2/27/2016)

EOSS-217 NOAA Water Vapor Experiment Recap

EOSS 217 was launched successfully from the Wiggins Rest Stop launch site at approximately 0415 MT.  The NOAA payload was recovered in Nebraska just east of the Enders State Recreational Area, near Imperial, Nebraska.


EOSS Mileage request

EOSS 215/216 CU Demosats and Gateway to Space Recap

EOSS 215 achieved an altitude of 95,282 ft.  Payloads were  recovered approximately 10 miles southeast of Limon, Colorado.

EOSS 216 achieved an altitude of 95, 263 ft.  Payloads were recovered South of Limon at 39.19633°, -103.70350°.

EOSS 215 Launch video is posted at https://www.facebook.com/Edge-of-Space-Sciences-162353343883044/

To submit Mileage Reimbursement click here EOSS 215//216 and complete the form.  

EOSS 213/214 Metro State and Summit Middle School Recap

EOSS 213 acheived a burst altitude of 89,701ft and landed at 39° 01.956, 103° 15.53 

EOSS 214 achieved a burst altitude of 100,352ft and landed at 39° 05.186, 103° 18.722

EOSS 210 NOAA Temperature Profiler


The EOSS210 flight this morning used a new launch technique that was entirely successful on the first try.  We now know that we can launch heavy payloads and subject the flight string components to minimum dynamic stress.

EOSS 211/212 Space Grant Demosats and NOAA AirCore

Click here: EOSS-211/212 Mileage Reimbursement.  All request must be in before 8/10/2015  

EOSS-199 NOAA LASP Flight Recap

EOSS-199 was flown Saturday September 27th from Eaton.  Because of concerns about shock to the fiber optic cable during launch, we used a hand-over-hand launch technique, which is not something we normally do at EOSS.  It did result in a very smooth launch.  Unfortunately, while lowering the fiber there was a failure of some sort that caused the fiber to fracture.  The "fin" was recoverd from a back yard in Eaton with ~30 feet of fiber still attached.  

EOSS-207/208/209 COSGC DemoSats 3fer
