EOSS Flight Archives

EOSS-238/239/240 STEM Flight - Recap

More graphs and data, and a few in-flight pictures posted.

National Space Science & Technical Institute (NSSTI) has posted a YouTube flight video captured during the flight of EOSS-240. An updated "Director's Cut" video is posted here.

EOSS-237 Eaton MS Flight - Recap

Additional pictures added.

The balloon launched at 0831 and landed at 1218. It flew approximately 116 miles and landed at 40.96950, -102.57883, 3-1/2 miles northwest of Sedwick, Colorado. The balloon reached a height of 94,963 ft. After landing, the parachute dragged the payload string 962 feet. Good payload construction saved all the experiments!

EOSS-234/235/236 CU Gateway to Space & COSG Demosats - Recap

All three flights flew successfully and were easily recovered.

  • EOSS-234 launched at 0700 and was recovered at 39.10927, -104.10017
  • EOSS-235 launched at 0720 and was recovered at 39.08967, -104.06717
  • EOSS-236 launched at 0738 and was recovered at 39.09282, -104.06480


EOSS 232/233 - Metro State University - Recap

EOSS-232 Reached an altitude of 97,591 ft, and was recovered at 39.538081, -102.716773

EOSS-233 Reached an altitude of 95,813 ft and was recovered at 39.512860, -102.626221

Both payload strings were recovered south of Kirk, Co.

EOSS-230/231 Fall STEM Flight - Recap

Data for both balloon is now available in Charts & Data

EOSS-230 and 231 were flew successfully on Saturday, October 15, 2016. They landed 1.77 miles apart South of Sterling, Colorado at:

EOSS-227 Eclipse Practice Flight - Recap

EOSS-227 reached an altitude of 65,435ft and was recovered north of Torrington, Wyoming, between highway 159 and the Nebraska border at  N 42° 13.614”, W 104° 08.662”. EOSS would like to thank the WY Air National Guard for the use of Camp Guernsey facilities, and the amateur radio operators in Southeast Wyoming for their support, in particular WA7SNU for the use of the Wheatland repe

EOSS-226 Colorado Space Grant Demosat Flight - Recap

Douglas County STEM School and Acadamy has created a great 6-minute video, located at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tr-glqCw7Z0

EOSS-225 - Great Plains Superlaunch - Recap

EOSS attended the Great Plains Superlaunch, presented 3 papers on amateur radio balloon topics, and participated in the simultaneous launch of 10 balloons from Granbury, Texas

EOSS-222/223/224 Metro State University and STEM flights - Recap

EOSS 222/223/224 were launched from the Limon launch site at approximately 0830 on May 21st.   EOSS-224 was found after 59 days hidden in a wheat field. See the galleries below for additional information.  

EOSS-222 landing site was at 39.65567 N, 103.03233 W
