Balloon Group Minutes 9/19/95

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EOSS Net - 19 Sept. 1995 
N0STZ net control

Call sign of person is listed first, then the traffic. 

K0YUK (Merle McCaslin) - Merle received traffic from Bill Brown, who says he is working with a group to launch a large rocket using asphalt and nitrous-oxide as fuel and oxidixer, respectively. 

N0STZ - When do they plan to do this launch?

K0YUK - Not sure, but it doesn't sound close. They plan on lauching the rocket while off the coast of N. Carolina. 

N0STZ - Not too much new with Preston Prunty and the rocket project except coming up with a way to keep the lauch rail at a 10-degree angle to the ballon train. A launch from a tethered balloon is planned for the second weekend in October. The payload, balloon and rocket will be sent 100 feet on a tethered balloon to test lauch equipment and procedures. 

N0KSR (Tom Isenburg) -Talked to Chris Rand with the International Association of Astronomical Students (IAAS) at the Denver Museum of Natural History and he asks if we can track a balloon for them. We worked with IAAS in the past,and it would be good to renew our ties with them. 

KA0ZFI (Ann Trudeau) - Are the students associated with IAAS cub scouts or senior boy scouts?

K0YUK - The students we dealt with in IAAS before were senior boy scouts. 

Net Closed

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last edit 02 March, 2012
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